Pranay Agrawal

Born in India in 2001, Pranay is currently studying photography in Delhi. Intrigued by the world of numbers, science, and computers, he pursued his bachelor's in mathematical sciences in Chennai, which initiated his journey into travel.

As Pranay traveled, he began observing moments that he wished he could capture and preserve. This led to a habit of photographing these scenes. Over the years, this habit transformed into a passion, and Pranay has been telling stories to the world through his lens since he got his camera in 2020.

In the last few years, Pranay has been on a journey of self-exploration and expression, diving deep into his interests in theoretical sciences and the vivid world. This also explains his keen interest in cinema.





My name is Martin. I take photos and shoot videos. I always wanted to be a doctor, but my parents convinced me to do YouTube videos.


Mathew Toll


Atul Kumar Yadav