Ulysses Aoki: Street photography in Japan, Leica cameras, portraits, personal style, books and more

Ulysses Aoki: Street photography in Japan, Leica cameras, portraits, personal style, books and more

Hello fellow photographers. In this episode I am talking with Ulysses Aoki and we are talking his style, photography in Japan, where he takes inspiration from and much more. Make sure you are subscribed if you want to be notified when I post a new episode. If you like this content and you think other people might like it as well Feel free to take a screenshot and through it out on your instagram story or share it with your friends.

Ulysses is an award-winning candid/art photographer that is featured and exhibited globally. His commercial work expands into fashion/people, documentary and product photography, and has taught photography to schools and individuals all over the world.

Website: https://ulysses-aoki.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ulysses_aoki/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3GLpBtbhqVMta3h-1ugGsQ/

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0:00:00 - Hello there!

0:00:55 - Introduction

0:01:18 - Why is photography so popular in Japan?

0:04:18 - Why do you shoot in color?

0:07:59 - Portrait photography and transition to street photography

0:10:08 - Japanese people and street photography and overcaming fears

0:14:00 - Ulysses’s styles of street photography

0:15:50 - Is “in into-your-face” Style misunderstood? Drama about Tatsuo Suzuki’s style.

0:17:28 - Tatsuo Suzuki and drama about his style with FUJI

0:20:27 - What is your process after you come home

0:24:32 - Do you believe in personal style?

0:28:49 - Photo projects, dream photoproject

0:30:27 - Publishing Books, Zines

0:32:43 - Is it hard to prepare an exhibition? Exhibiting your work

0:38:46 - Inspiration - paintings, movies, anime

0:43:24 - Movies and anime

0:45:32 - Animation

0:49:59 - Experience with film photography, advantages of film

0:53:37 - Should you start photography with film photography

0:55:01 - Is Leica Q the best street photography camera?

0:57:05 - Why do you like Leica cameras?

1:04:38 - Tips for portrait photography

1:07:35 - Does appearance of camera matter?

1:10:15 - Asking about YouTube channel

1:14:40 - The hardest part on YouTube

1:17:37 - When are you going to make a video about Mastodon?

1:19:04 - Tattoos, Yakuza, Tattoos

1:26:15 - The end, Thank you for watching/listening!

Martin Kaninsky

Martin is the creator of About Photography Blog. With over 15 years of experience as a practicing photographer, Martin’s approach focuses on photography as an art form, emphasizing the stories behind the images rather than concentrating on gear.


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