Minimalist photography is easy to learn but hard to master - talking with W. Scott Olsen

Hello fellow photographers. In this episode I am talking with W. Scott Olsen and we are discussing minimalist photography. Specifically the article I read in the Digital Companion of the FRAMES Magazine. Thank you so much for joining us on this episode. Make sure you are subscribed if you want to be notified when I post a new episode. If you like this content and you think other people might like it as well Feel free to take a screenshot and through it out on your instagram story or share it with your friends.

W. Scott Olsen




FRAMES Magazine:


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YouTube index:

00:00 - Hello there!

02:44 - How do we get past the cliché ?

04:02 - the difference between cliché and insight

04:49 - Is cliché the biggest enemy of minimalist photography?

06:12 - The problem with minimalist pictures

07:26 - Is minimalist photography its own genre?

08:59 - The minimalist photography is about evoking an idea

11:52 - The idea is the highest form of reality

14:23 - The picture of an idea

14:55 - Should every photographer try minimalist photography?

16:57 - the essence of making a good minimalist photograph

19:37 - Not all minimal pictures are minimalist photography

22:46 - The end

Martin Kaninsky

Martin is the creator of About Photography Blog. With over 15 years of experience as a practicing photographer, Martin’s approach focuses on photography as an art form, emphasizing the stories behind the images rather than concentrating on gear.


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