Thomas Shahan

Thomas Shahan (website) is a renowned macro photographer whose exceptional talent for capturing the smallest details of the natural world has made him a celebrated figure in the field. With a keen eye for the often-overlooked beauty of insects, spiders, and other tiny creatures, Shahan's work reveals the intricacies of a world that often goes unnoticed.

Early Life and Career

Thomas Shahan was born in Oklahoma and developed an early interest in both art and nature. His love for drawing and illustration led him to study at the University of Oklahoma, where he pursued a degree in art. It was during this time that Shahan's passion for photography began to take shape, as he sought to capture the minute details of the natural world that he found so captivating.

Shahan started sharing his macro photography online, which quickly garnered attention from photography enthusiasts and professionals alike. His dedication to his craft and exceptional ability to capture the world of insects and arachnids has earned him features in numerous publications and exhibitions worldwide.

Photographic Style and Techniques

Thomas Shahan's approach to macro photography focuses on capturing the intricate details of his subjects, often revealing aspects of their appearance and behavior that are invisible to the naked eye. His work highlights the beauty of these small creatures, inspiring a sense of wonder and appreciation for their often-unseen world.

To achieve his stunning photographs, Shahan employs techniques such as focus stacking, which combines multiple images taken at different focal distances to create a single, sharp image. This method allows him to capture the finest details of his subjects while maintaining a deep depth of field.

Career Highlights

Some of Thomas Shahan's most notable career achievements include:

  • Numerous features in prominent photography publications, such as National Geographic, Wired, and Popular Photography

  • Collaborations with organizations like the BBC and the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation

  • Participation in photography exhibitions and workshops around the world, sharing his expertise and passion for macro photography

Photography Gear

Thomas Shahan has used various pieces of equipment throughout his career to achieve his incredible macro photographs. Some of the key components of his photography setup include:

  • Camera: Pentax K-3 and Pentax K-5

  • Lenses: Pentax D-FA 100mm f/2.8 Macro WR, Pentax D-FA 50mm f/2.8 Macro, and reverse-mounted lenses for extreme magnification

  • Tripod: Manfrotto 190XPROB with a 3-way head

  • Lighting: Twin flashes and diffusers for even lighting and minimal shadows

Published Works

While Thomas Shahan has not yet published any photo books, his work has been featured in a variety of print and online publications, as well as in gallery exhibitions. Some of these publications include National Geographic, Wired, and Popular Photography.


"The world of macro photography offers endless possibilities for discovery and appreciation of the intricate beauty of nature."

"Insects and spiders are often seen as pests or something to fear, but through my photography, I hope to inspire people to see the beauty and complexity of these creatures."

"Patience is key in macro photography; it takes time to find your subject and even more time to get the perfect shot."

"The more you learn about the behavior and biology of your subjects, the better equipped you are to capture their unique beauty and essence."

"Macro photography allows us to appreciate the incredible diversity of life on our planet, and it's a constant reminder that there's always more to discover."

Legacy and Influence

Thomas Shahan's work has undoubtedly made an impact on the field of macro photography, inspiring both amateurs and professionals to delve deeper into the world of insects, spiders, and other small creatures. His ability to capture stunning, detailed images has not only raised the bar for macro photographers but has also increased public interest and awareness of the beauty and complexity of these often-overlooked species.

Through his collaborations with organizations like the BBC and the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Shahan has helped bring the wonders of macro photography to a broader audience. His influence is also seen in the growing number of photographers who have taken up macro photography as a specialty, following in his footsteps to explore and document the small yet captivating world around us.

Photographers such as Nicky Bay and Alex Wild share a similar passion for macro photography and the world of insects and spiders. Like Shahan, they use their talents to showcase the intricate beauty of these creatures, inspiring others to appreciate the natural world on a different scale.

Thomas Shahan's incredible talent and dedication to macro photography have solidified his reputation as a leading figure in the field. His awe-inspiring images of insects and spiders have not only captivated audiences worldwide but have also inspired countless photographers to explore the world of macro photography themselves. By revealing the hidden beauty of these tiny creatures, Shahan has left an indelible mark on the world of photography and has helped to reshape our understanding of and appreciation for the natural world.

Other macro photographers


My name is Martin. I take photos and shoot videos. I always wanted to be a doctor, but my parents convinced me to do YouTube videos.


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