Vincent Laforet

Vincent Laforet is a renowned aerial photographer whose breathtaking images of cities and landscapes from above have captivated audiences worldwide. His unique perspective and innovative techniques have garnered him numerous awards and recognition, solidifying his place among the most influential aerial photographers in the industry.

Early Life and Career

Born in 1975, Vincent Laforet grew up in Switzerland and the United States. From a young age, he displayed an interest in photography, which eventually led him to study at the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University. After graduating, he began his career as a photojournalist, working for publications like The New York Times and National Geographic. Over time, he transitioned to aerial photography, where he discovered his true passion and talent.

Photographic Style and Techniques

Vincent Laforet's aerial photography is characterized by its striking compositions, vivid colors, and sharp detail. He often captures cities at night, showcasing their dazzling lightscapes and unique patterns. Laforet's approach to aerial photography involves shooting from high altitudes, often using helicopters to achieve the perfect vantage point. This allows him to create images that are both visually stunning and deeply immersive.

Career Highlights

Throughout his career, Vincent Laforet has achieved numerous accomplishments, including:

  • Winning the prestigious Pulitzer Prize for Feature Photography in 2002 as part of a team covering the events of 9/11.

  • Being named one of the "100 Most Influential People in Photography" by American Photo magazine.

  • Collaborating with major brands like Apple, Nike, and Adobe on various campaigns and projects.

Photography Gear

Vincent Laforet's photography gear includes the following:

  • Cameras: Laforet primarily uses Canon DSLRs, such as the Canon EOS 1D X and the Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, for their high-resolution capabilities and excellent low-light performance.

  • Lenses: A variety of lenses, including wide-angle and telephoto options, allow him to capture different perspectives and compositions. Some of his favorites include the Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM and the Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM.

  • Gyro-stabilized mounts: To ensure sharp, stable images while shooting from a helicopter, Laforet uses gyro-stabilized mounts like the Shotover F1 or Cineflex systems.

Photography Books

"Up in the Air" by Tommy Clarke is a remarkable collection of aerial photography, showcasing a diverse range of landscapes and locations from around the world. Spanning six years of work, the book features 100 stunning color photographs capturing locations such as California, Australia's Shark Bay, Utah, and St. Tropez.

This book is a valuable resource for practicing photographers, as it highlights the unique aspects of aerial photography and the techniques used to achieve these captivating images. The photographs in "Up in the Air" showcase Tommy Clarke's progression from documentary travel photography to abstract art, offering insights into the creative process and inspiration for photographers interested in exploring aerial photography and the fascinating interaction between land and water.


Here are some insightful quotes from Vincent Laforet:

  • "Aerial photography allows us to see the world from a different perspective, revealing patterns and structures that are otherwise invisible from the ground."

  • "Photography is about capturing a moment in time and sharing it with the world. In a way, it's like writing a visual poem."

  • "When I'm up in the air, I feel a sense of freedom and a connection to something much larger than myself."

  • "There's something magical about seeing a city's lights come alive at night – it's like watching the world's largest light show."

  • Success in photography is about pushing yourself to be better, to evolve, and to never stop learning."*

Legacy and Influence

Vincent Laforet's impact on aerial photography is undeniable. His ability to transform cityscapes into mesmerizing works of art has inspired countless photographers to explore aerial perspectives in their own work. Laforet's dedication to innovation and his commitment to pushing the boundaries of photography have solidified his place as one of the most influential aerial photographers of his generation.

Other notable aerial photographers with similar styles are:

  • Alex MacLean: Known for his captivating aerial images of landscapes, architecture, and urban environments, MacLean's work shares a similar appreciation for patterns and structures found in the world from above.

  • Tommy Clarke: Clarke's aerial photography often focuses on natural landscapes and coastal scenes, utilizing bold colors and striking compositions to create visually stunning images.

By showcasing the beauty and intricacy of the world from a bird's-eye view, Vincent Laforet and other aerial photographers continue to inspire and influence both aspiring and established photographers. Their work encourages us to see our surroundings in a new light and to appreciate the world's complexity from a unique perspective.

Other aerial photographers


My name is Martin. I take photos and shoot videos. I always wanted to be a doctor, but my parents convinced me to do YouTube videos.


Tommy Clarke


George Steinmetz