Ami Vitale is (website) an internationally acclaimed photojournalist, documentary filmmaker, and conservationist, best known for her work in conflict zones and her powerful storytelling of the human and natural world. With a career spanning more than two decades, Vitale has travelled to over 100 countries, capturing the beauty, vulnerability, and resilience of people and nature in the face of adversity.

Early Life and Career

Ami Vitale was born in 1971 in Miami, Florida, and grew up in a family that encouraged her curiosity and love for exploration. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. After completing her studies, Vitale worked as an editor for Associated Press before pursuing a career in photography. She was initially inspired by the work of photographers like Sebastião Salgado and James Nachtwey, who brought attention to the human stories behind global issues.

Vitale's first major assignment came in 2000 when she travelled to the Democratic Republic of Congo to document the country's civil war. Her work in conflict zones, including Kosovo, Angola, and the West Bank, brought her international recognition and established her reputation as a fearless and compassionate photojournalist.

Photographic Style and Techniques

Ami Vitale is known for her immersive approach to photography, often spending months or even years with her subjects to understand their lives and stories fully. She combines photojournalism with a fine art aesthetic, creating powerful and emotive images that draw the viewer into the story.

Vitale's work often focuses on the interconnectedness of humans and the natural world, exploring themes of conservation, culture, and community. She has a unique ability to find the beauty and humanity in even the most challenging situations, capturing the spirit of resilience and hope that defines her subjects.

Career Highlights

Throughout her career, Ami Vitale has received numerous accolades and awards, including World Press Photo, the National Press Photographers Association, and the International Photographer of the Year. She has also been a contract photographer for National Geographic since 2005.

Some of her most iconic work includes her documentation of the last Northern White Rhinos in Kenya, her heart-wrenching portrayal of the lives of women in Guinea-Bissau, and her powerful images of the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.

Photography Gear

  • Nikon D5 and D850 cameras

  • Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8 lens

  • Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 lens

  • Nikkor 500mm f/4 lens

  • Nikon SB-5000 Speedlight

Photography Books

"Panda Love: The Secret Lives of Pandas" by Ami Vitale offers a rare and intimate glimpse into the world of one of the planet's most beloved and enigmatic animals - the giant panda. Ami Vitale, an acclaimed photojournalist and National Geographic photographer, takes readers on a captivating visual journey through the remote mountains of China, where these elusive creatures reside.

The unique aspect of this book lies in the access and trust Vitale has built with her subjects, enabling her to capture images that reveal the pandas' natural behaviors, family dynamics, and playful interactions. Through her work, she tells a captivating story that combines elements of conservation, science, and the enchanting personalities of pandas.

For practicing photographers, "Panda Love" offers invaluable insights into the importance of patience, persistence, and building relationships with both the subjects and the people involved in conservation efforts. Vitale's work demonstrates the impact that photography can have on raising awareness and promoting conservation initiatives. The stunning images in this book will inspire photographers to seek out their own captivating subjects and share the stories that matter to them.

In addition to the breathtaking photography, "Panda Love" also provides fascinating details about the lives of pandas, their behavior, and the challenges they face in the wild. This information adds depth and context to the images, helping photographers understand the significance of their work and the stories they are telling through their images.


"Photography is a universal language. It's the way we can communicate across cultures and across borders."

"I think we need to find ways to connect with each other and understand that we're all in this together."

"If there's one thing I've learned, it's that every story is important and has the power to create change."

"The camera is a tool for me to understand the world and to share stories that I think are important."

"In the end, it's not about the photographs. It's about the relationships and the connections we make along the way."

Legacy and Influence

Ami Vitale's work has left a profound impact on the world of photography and conservation. Her unique ability to connect with her subjects and tell their stories with empathy and grace has inspired countless photographers to approach their craft with a deeper sense of purpose and responsibility.

Vitale's focus on conservation and the interconnectedness of humans and nature has raised awareness of critical global issues and contributed to tangible change in environmental protection efforts. Her dedication to telling the stories of marginalized communities and those living on the frontlines of conflict has brought international attention to their struggles and resilience.

As a mentor and educator, Ami Vitale has influenced a new generation of photographers, including Cristina Mittermeier, Brent Stirton, and Kiliii Yuyan, who continue to push the boundaries of storytelling and conservation photography. Her work serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of empathy, connection, and the shared human experience in a rapidly changing world.

Other travel photographers


My name is Martin. I take photos and shoot videos. I always wanted to be a doctor, but my parents convinced me to do YouTube videos.


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